Portreadau Hydref 2024 • Portraits from Autumn 2024

01|02 - 08|03|25

Lansiad • launch with an afternoon drinks reception Saturday 1 February 14:00-17:00

  • [English below]

    Mae TEN yn falch iawn o gyflwyno arddangosfa unigol gyntaf Meirion Ginsberg yn yr oriel ers dod yn artist a gynrychiolir yn 2023

    Mae ‘Wyneb yn Wyneb’ yn arddangosfa o baentiadau olew newydd sy’n dangos ei ffocws arbortreadau. Cynhyrchwyd y corff hwn o waith yn ystod misoedd yr hydref 2024 ac mae’n barhâd ar archwiliad hirsefydlog Ginsberg â’r ffigurol. Mae'r gyfres hon yn arddangos ei arddull nodweddiadol o liwiau deinamig, paent olew trwchus a wynebau cryf, trawiadol

    Mae ffigurau Ginsberg yn llawn personoliaeth, wedi’u steilio â llinellau beiddgar, graffig ac yn aml ag elfennau chwareus. Mae ei bobl yn gymysg o gymeriadau o'i fywyd, yn ogystal ag wynebau diddorol sy'n dal ei lygad o gylchgronau ffasiwn. Ar brydau, ymgorffora elfennau o ddiwylliant pop a bywyd bob dydd yn ei waith, gan greu cyfuniad o’r cyfarwydd a’r rhyfeddol mewn cyfosodiadau annisgwyl

    Mae'r olew yn impasto ar y cynfas â’r gwead yn drwch - mae'r marciau'n aml yn cael eu gwneud gyda handlen y brwsh. Mae dewis Ginsberg o ddeunyddiau yn pwyntio at hanes paentio portreadau ac yn ei osod o fewn y traddodiad cyfoethog, ac ar flaen y gad ym maes peintio ffigurol cyfoes yng Nghymru

    Wrth galon ‘Wyneb yn Wyneb’ mae’r berthynas rhwng yr arlunydd a’i destunau ac, yn ei dro, ein perthynas ni – y gynulleidfa – â’r paentiadau. Mae'r gwaith yn ein hannog i gyfarfod â nhw llygad yn llygad, maent yn troi i'n hwynebu ac yn dal ein sylw

    TEN is delighted to present Meirion Ginsberg’s first solo exhibition at the gallery since becoming a represented artist in 2023

    ‘Wyneb yn Wyneb [Face to Face]’ is an exhibition of new oil paintings which delves into his practice of character-led portraiture. This body of work was produced during the autumn months of 2024 and draws on Ginsberg’s long-standing exploration into the figurative. This series showcases his characteristic style of dynamic colours, thick oil paint and strong, striking faces

    Ginsberg’s figures are full of personality, stylised with bold, graphic lines and often lean towards the playful. His subjects are hybrids of characters from his life, as well as interesting faces that catch his eye from fashion magazines. At times, he incorporates elements of pop culture and everyday life into his work, creating a blend of the familiar and the fantastical in unexpected juxtapositions

    The oil is impasto on the canvas and full of texture - the mark-making often made with the handle of the brush. Ginsberg’s choice of materials touch on the history of portrait painting and place him within the rich tradition, and at the forefront of contemporary figurative painting in Cymru

    At the heart of ‘Wyneb yn Wyneb’ is the relationship between the painter and his subjects, and in turn our relationship - as the viewers - with the paintings. The work encourages us to meet eye to eye with the subjects, they turn to face us, catching our gaze

  • ‘Yn yr arddangosfa hon, rwy’n cyflwyno corff cydlynol o waith sy’n adlewyrchu archwiliad bwriadol ond greddfol o barhad artistig. Mae pob darn, er bod arddulliau amrywiol wedi’u defnyddio, yn rhannu hanfod unedig, fel petai wedi’i greu o fewn cyfnod ffocysedig unigol. Wrth ollwng y technegau yr oeddwn wedi dibynnu arnyn nhw yn y gorffennol, mabwysiais agwedd fwy naïf a meddwl agored - dull mwy rhydd, hamddenol, ac nad yw’n cael ei gyfyngu gan gynlluniau neu ddisgwyliadau llym. Rhoddodd y broses hamddenol hon y gallu i fynegi naturioldeb hyderus, gan siapio gweithiau sy’n teimlo’n organig ac heb orfodaeth

    Yn donyddol, mae’r gyfres hon yn nodi newid o fywiogrwydd fy ngwaith cynharach. Mae paletau tawelach yn tueddu tuag at estheteg du-a-gwyn a pastel, gan greu bywiogrwydd tawel unigryw. Ni sylweddolais hyd at yr wythnosau olaf cyn cwblhau’r gwaith fod y darnau’n ffurfio cyfanwaith unedig – sylweddoliad sy’n tanlinellu’r esblygiad organig o’r gyfres hon

    In this exhibition, I present a cohesive body of work that reflects a deliberate yet intuitive exploration of artistic continuity. Each piece, while approached with varied styles, shares a unifying essence, as though created within a single, focused period. Stripping away techniques I had previously relied on, I embraced a more naive, open-minded approach - looser, freer, and unburdened by rigid plans or expectations. This relaxed process allowed for a confident spontaneity, shaping works that feel natural and unforced

    Tonally, this series marks a shift from the vibrancy of my earlier works. Subdued palettes lean into grayscale and pastel aesthetics, exuding a quiet vibrancy of their own. It wasn’t until the final weeks of production that I recognised the pieces as a unified whole - a realisation that underscores the organic evolution of this series’ - Meirion Ginsberg

    Collections include MOMA Machynlleth; Imago Mundi Collection

    Select Solo Exhibitions:

    2008 - Oriel Dafydd Hardy, Caernarfon

    2009 - Galeri, Caernarfon

    2009 - Llanover Hall, Cardiff

    2011 - Martin Tinney Gallery, Cardiff, with Sarah Ball

    2012 - Oriel Tegfryn, Menai Bridge

    2013 - Martin Tinney Gallery, Cardiff

    2014 - Martin Tinney Gallery, Cardiff

    2015 - Oriel Tegfryn, Menai Bridge

    2016 - Martin Tinney Gallery, Cardiff

    2017 - Oriel Tegfryn, Menai Bridge

    2018 - Martin Tinney Gallery, Cardiff

    2019 - Martin Tinney Gallery, Cardiff

    2020 - Martin Tinney Gallery, Cardiff

    2021 - Martin Tinney Gallery, Cardiff

    2024 - Ffin y Parc Gallery, Llandudno

  • Wednesday - Saturday 10:30 - 17:00

    The Coach House, Rear of 143 Donald Street, Cardiff, CF24 4TP

    +44 (0) 29 2060 0495



  • Artworks can be purchased online or by contacting the gallery.

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